I like to blog about the stuff I’m interested in. Hopefully you’ll find some of them interesting too!
October 9, 2019
Always Remember: Live Your Own Life, Walk Your Own Pace (No Money Lah’s 1st Anniversary)
Always remember: Live your own life, Walk your own pace.
September 1, 2019
Fundamental vs Technical Analysis (& How To Use BOTH of Them to Invest)
FA and TA are essentially 2 different schools of thoughts when it comes to investing. Simply put, they are two different approaches towards…
August 18, 2019
5 MUST-KNOW Terminologies Before You Invest in REITs
Gearing refers to the leverage of a REIT. Essentially, it refers to how much is the total debt of a REIT in relative to its total asset.
August 13, 2019
6 Types of REITs and WHY THEY MATTER
Generally, while REITs are relatively stable compared to conventional stock investing, REITs do have different risk profiles depending on…
August 6, 2019
Introduction: REITs and Why Invest in Them?
In order to be qualified as a REIT, companies are required to pay out at least 90% of its net income as dividend to their investors. Which…

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Yi Xuan